Friday, December 5, 2008




哈達瑜伽 (Hatha Yoga)

發展成『瑜伽行派』Yogacara 、『有宗』

慈恩宗 (又稱法相宗、唯識宗) 屬此派


思辯瑜伽 (Jnana Yoga) 或名 (知識瑜伽)




奉愛瑜伽 (Bhakti Yoga) 或名 (至善瑜伽、虔信瑜伽)


賢首宗 (又稱華嚴宗) 、淨土宗 (又稱蓮宗) 皆屬此派


1 comment:

Lung Zhi 隆志 said...

Thank you, Si-shiong for the clarification.

Yoga is union with the Absolute, Supreme, or if you like, with God.

The different types of yoga are but different ways to achieve union with the Absolute, Brahman, Atman……or Buddha Nature.

It will be fruitful, when we have the chance, to study The Bhagavad Gita together. The Gita described the various types of yoga.

I also want to point out that Jnana is not worldly knowledge, but Transcendental Knowledge.

Bhakti yoga is based on love and devotion to a diety. But there is a difference between an emotional approach to a supreme being verse emotion as a method to achieve union.

Humbly yours.